Thank you for filling out your registration form for Radiance of Being 2025
To complete your registration, please select a Workshop Fee AND a Meals & Lodging Option from below and click the Add to Cart button.
Once you have selected both options, click the cart icon in the lower right corner to complete your checkout.
Please select a Workshop Fee option from those listed
See details below for more information
Registration Fee Details
Sponsor*: $ 335.00 | Standard: $285.00 | Reduced Rate: $235.00
*Your payment at Sponsor level allows another to pay the reduced rate.
*If the reduced rate would still prevent your participation please complete the registration form and then email with your request.
There are a limited number of registrations allowed per tier - If the tier you need to select is sold out, please contact me at
This workshop counts as 2.5 days (15 Hours) of Waves for those on the 5Rhythms Teacher Training path.
Please pick one of the following options for Meals and Lodging
Refer to Descriptions below for detail on options
Meals Details
Meals included:
Friday Dinner (light meal prior to start of movement session)
Saturday Breakfast
Saturday Lunch
Saturday Dinner
Sunday Breakfast
Sunday Lunch
A selection of teas will be available during any other breaks and coffee will be available by donation for those who wish to have it (Nespresso Machine).
There will be refrigerator space for participants to bring anything specific food items needed to make the weekend work for you!
Lodging Option Details
Emerson House: 6 double occupancy (Shared Rooms): $400 per person
This former Mission House has a main gathering room and an upstairs loft for reading or meditation. There are 6 bedrooms on the main level, with all twin beds. The baths are located down the hall with showers. If you choose this option and want to share occupancy with another known registrant, please indicate their name in the field provided.
Stone Cottage: 2 Private Rooms available: Single Occupancy $500 per person, Couple Occupancy $400 per person
An enclosed front porch with table seating for 4 and a back screened porch give access to the mountain views. The serviceable kitchen has seating for 4 at the bar. The living room is newly furnished and can hold meetings of up to 12 people. Upstairs are two bedrooms with Full size beds and a shared half bath or full bath shared downstairs.
Undercroft Apt: 1 available: Single Occupancy $450 per person, Dual Occupancy $375 per person
A basement apartment located under the church has an outside entrance. Charming space for one to two persons is available with kitchen and full bath. 2 separate bedrooms within apt, 1 Full Bed and 1 Full Futon.
Bird’s Nest Apt: 1 Available: Single Occupancy $450 per person
This cozy space is accessed from an outside stairway on the upper floor of Emerson House. Single occupancy, with a bath with shower, kitchen/dining area and private outside deck.